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Critics, fans and observers, Subdelivery Man is no more. For three years, the infamous Twitter account Subdelivery Man was the bane of people with dark secrets. It was also the voice of people who didn’t have what it took to take shots at their adversaries on Twitter. Subdelivery Man was the conductor of shades and the bearer of bants on Twitter. If you wanted to expose someone’s dark secret on Twitter, all you had to do was slide into Sub Delivery Man’s DM. The person or persons would be ‘casted’ shortly.

The Twitter account’s reign of excitement and terror ended on Sunday, May 14, 2017, and the Twitter NG reacted to the heavy news. For the lovers of gossip and scandalous gist, they were sad that Twitter had suspended the account. For those who have been targets of Subdelivery Man’s platform for bullying they were more than happy that the damned Twitter account had been suspended.

With Twitter pressed to clamp down on bullying on its site, it’s hardly a surprise that Subdelivery Man was suspended. In its hey days, a lot of folks complained that it promoted cyber bullying and tried to get it off Twitter. It didn’t work until now. Subdelivery Man has been behind some of the biggest Twitter NG scandals of recent memory. It didn’t spare anybody as it mentioned on Twitter alleged guilty parties involved. Many people blocked the account but thousands followed for the thrill it gave.

To be fair, the Twitter account wasn’t all about gossip. It was also a platform for people to talk about their relationship issues. SDM was known for charity. Before it got suspended, it had planned on giving out money to mothers on Mothers Day.


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