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Facebook has been asking some of its users an unusual — and intrusive — question: Who or what are you sleeping with?

The social network is increasingly prompting users to answer questions and finish sentences describing their lives via its new “Did You Know?” feature. Most of these are fairly innocuous queries or fun hypotheticals — “When I don’t like a gift, I…” for example, or “If I could choose to be teleported anywhere or read people’s minds, I’d rather…”

But it’s also asking some of its members to complete a rather more intimate sentence that has left many users baffled: “I usually sleep with…”

There are two very different ways two interpret the prompt. It could be asking users about their sexual partners and sexual preferences, or — far more likely — what their more PG-friendly sleeping habits are. Do they tuck in at night with a teddy bear, for example, or a hot water bottle, or a comforter?

But given the vague wording, it’s not clear.

British parliamentary researcher Reshima Sharma is one of the people who saw the pop-up. (Full disclosure, she’s a friend of the author’s.) Her first impression was that Facebook was asking her about her sexual partners, she said.

“I guess you can read it two ways maybe,” she told Business Insider in a message. “But it’s difficult to give Facebook the benefit of the doubt when its ‘did you know’ feature also asks you to publish weirdly personal questions like ‘the last time I went through a tough time was…’ and ‘if I could change one thing about my significant other it would be…'”

A Facebook spokesperson did not indulge Business Insider’s request to clear up the confusion.



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